fri 08/19/94 16:22 Input File: c:\AUTOEXEC.BAT Translation time: 0 minutes 0 seconds LinesPerPage: 27 LineLength: 43 Words: 52 Pages: 1 Words per Page: 52 Estimated Embossing Time: 0 Minutes Total Cells: 604 Total Dots: 1335 Dot1: 301 = 22% Dot2: 208 = 15% Dot3: 171 = 12% Dot4: 216 = 16% Dot5: 216 = 16% Dot6: 223 = 16% Dot 7: 273 Input file length: 459 Output file length: 715 Output is 155% of input Entries in table: 869 fri 08/19/94 16:23 Input File: c:\AUTOEXEC.BAT Translation time: 0 minutes 1 seconds LinesPerPage: 27 LineLength: 43 Words: 52 Pages: 1 Words per Page: 52 Words per Second: 52 Characters per Second: 658 Estimated Embossing Time: 0 Minutes Total Cells: 658 Total Dots: 1335 Dot1: 301 = 22% Dot2: 208 = 15% Dot3: 170 = 12% Dot4: 216 = 16% Dot5: 217 = 16% Dot6: 223 = 16% Dot 7: 273 Input file length: 459 Output file length: 874 Output is 190% of input Entries in table: 869